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Who has not heard of the “Tzadik of Jerusalem”, Reb Aryeh Levin zt”l (
There is a foundation which was set up a few years ago in his memory by the name of Keren haTzadik. Among their many good deeds they collect unused food from wedding halls and deliver it to the needy, whose identities remain unknown to the donors and in many cases even to those who deliver the food.
The need for this service became too great for the facilities at their disposal and a couple of years back they held a drive to purchase a full sized refrigerated truck. As you can imagine, this is one very expensive exercise. The lion’s share of the cost was footed anonymously by a righteous man who threw his entire being into the project. With the world economic downturn he got into difficulties. Now the bank is demanding foreclosure on the vehicle if $10000 is not repaid within the next two weeks. Meantime requests pour in for the chesed which can’t be done without it.
Let’s see if we can’t help out here folks.
If you can manage Hebrew it is possible to donate at The parts of the site translated into English could do with a lot of work but of course that would probably cost money which they don’t have. Cheques may be sent in favor of Tnuat Mahshevet Hador (the organization which operates the Foundation) to 8 Kanfei Nesharim Street, Jerusalem, Israel and contributions can be phoned in at 02-6513111 or 1800203320. The email address is Donations are valid for 35% tax credit in Israel.