Thursday, 21 May 2009

To the director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America.

Dear Rav Shafran I enjoy reading your articles but was very surprised to read that apparently no approach seems to have been made to your Rabbinical authorities regarding a resolute stand and public campaign against the “two states for two peoples” policy. Even if it were not for the fact that the intention of those among its proponents who actually understand this issue is in fact two states for one people (“Palestine” to be judenrein, “Israel” to be overrun by millions of “refugees”), this is a recipe for war and mass killings. No downside of maintenance of the status quo could possibly match the clear and present danger of this lunacy. And if standing strong brings on an international invasion, so be it - that is what the prophets foretold! Point is, at bottom, for those of us (including the undersigned) who in the past were concerned about pikuach nefesh to the extent of giving the “Palestinians” a chance to prove themselves, they have proven themselves over and over again. All the pikuach nefesh is on the side of shev ve’al ta’aseh and there must be no more uprooting of Jews from their homes in Eretz Yisroel for any reason. I beg you, go to the Rabbis with this and create a revolution. Maybe there is a Morgenthau out there who will then take it to fruition… Thank you for your attention

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