Tuesday, 16 June 2009


I've been quiet for a bit. So we got "the speech". I think Mr Netanyahu did his best. For me his best isn't quite good enough, but I don't have a credible alternative available at the moment. But this speech did spur me to action. I have spent most of my adult life avoiding the messy business of joining political parties, although I have voted for many, many of them, pretty well never missing an election. I used to describe myself as an "extreme moderate" but what passes for moderation seems to have metamorphosed since those days. Consequently while Mr Feiglin has been calling on us for years to join the Likud and make a real difference, I baulked. Mr Netanyahu has now convinced me, and I joined up. Next time the alternative presents him or herself, I will be in position. Hey, why not join me?

1 comment:

  1. BS"D

    Hi Pinhas - Moshe Feiglin's speech in response to Obama is now posted at our new Jewish Leadership channel on youtube. Please visit and encourage everyone else to come and listen, favorite the video and write a comment! We have to get the Jewish netroots moving behind Moshe!

