Dear all
The New Year is upon us, but you knew that
The old year has had perhaps more than its fair share of those “who will be brought down” and to them we extend our earnest wishes for their rapid transfer to the ranks of those “who will be raised up”.
On a personal level we have seen the joy of those “who will be created” and give our sympathy for those less fortunate. We have seen parents/grandparents integrating happily into the life of our Holy Land and spare a thought for those deprived of the beauty of togetherness. We bear grateful witness to every single person returning to our country and look forward to the removal of the brakes, whatever they may be, on those who have not yet done so.
Politically we have been witness to an upsurge of those at home and abroad who would divide and destroy and we wish for the coming, speedily, of those who would unite and build up. Not everybody will agree but we call the latter, Mashiach.
We have seen the fear spread by an unfamiliar disease specifically foretold in the Gemara (Talmud), and give thanks that at least at this point it has been relatively contained – but for those who succumbed there is no “relative” and a single soul is a whole world.
To you all, a year of fulfillment, a year of contentment, a year of wholesomeness, a year of growth.
I am attaching two very different links, one a very 21c clip and the other a beautiful translation of the prayer which for me is the very engine of the month of Tishri. If you are not familiar with its history please go to the third link.
If we have in any way fallen short of the standards you are entitled to expect of us, please forgive us. If you fear we have taken offence and anything you have said or done, we have already forgiven.
Leshana tova tikatevu vetehatemu, may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!
Kirschen Hospitalized
2 weeks ago
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