Monday, 14 September 2009
The New Year is upon us, but you knew that
The old year has had perhaps more than its fair share of those “who will be brought down” and to them we extend our earnest wishes for their rapid transfer to the ranks of those “who will be raised up”.
On a personal level we have seen the joy of those “who will be created” and give our sympathy for those less fortunate. We have seen parents/grandparents integrating happily into the life of our Holy Land and spare a thought for those deprived of the beauty of togetherness. We bear grateful witness to every single person returning to our country and look forward to the removal of the brakes, whatever they may be, on those who have not yet done so.
Politically we have been witness to an upsurge of those at home and abroad who would divide and destroy and we wish for the coming, speedily, of those who would unite and build up. Not everybody will agree but we call the latter, Mashiach.
We have seen the fear spread by an unfamiliar disease specifically foretold in the Gemara (Talmud), and give thanks that at least at this point it has been relatively contained – but for those who succumbed there is no “relative” and a single soul is a whole world.
To you all, a year of fulfillment, a year of contentment, a year of wholesomeness, a year of growth.
I am attaching two very different links, one a very 21c clip and the other a beautiful translation of the prayer which for me is the very engine of the month of Tishri. If you are not familiar with its history please go to the third link.
If we have in any way fallen short of the standards you are entitled to expect of us, please forgive us. If you fear we have taken offence and anything you have said or done, we have already forgiven.
Leshana tova tikatevu vetehatemu, may you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Chesed Truck in Danger
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
Friday, 22 May 2009
CHELMsford 123 Dept. (2)
Nottingham, England:
"Mother banned from breastfeeding at poolside 'breached food and drink rules'"
Right on.
CHELMsford 123 Dept. (1)
"Council only fills in part of a pothole - because it doesn't own the rest."I kid you not. Well, the place is called Bloxwich so what can we expect?
Thursday, 21 May 2009
To the director of public affairs for Agudath Israel of America.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Gilad update
They once said that a black man would be president when pigs fly. His first 100 days and wham!! Pigs flu!
Comment: I am sure that while a few years ago the above description would have raised no issues, today perhaps my correspondent should have described him, not quite accurately, as an African American.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Gilad Schalit
They have accustomed us to think that the number of terrorists released will determine Gilad Schalit's release. Turns out that it doesn't. Gilad can be set free for $300m. There has never been so high a ransom set for one captive. The US intends to provide this sum for the reconstruction of Gaza. There is a slight chance that $300m will convince somebody to release Gilad. Please sign this petition, which will be given to the President of the USA with the request that the money be made conditional on Gilad's release ...
This is the gist of my reply:
A... - I have every sympathy for the Schalit family, who have not once but twice gone through the scenario of every parent's nightmares.
However, I have no desire whatever to encourage the president to give those people this ransom(and 300m is but a small part of the sums pledged) and I also do not believe you can buy Arabs with a cause as you can buy Westerners; in fact this is the very error all Western Governments (and our own) have been unable to comprehend up to now. It is simply not about money but principles, something Moslems seem as a group to be able to be pretty single minded about. The principles may be wretched and inhuman, but they stick to them like glue and they won't give up until Doomsday. Seems to me that's something the rest of us could learn from.
Furthermore, the president is getting enough contradictory messages from Jews as it is without confusing him still more. I for one would be happier if he were more interested in the security of seven million Israelis than he has been up to now, not just one Israeli, and would prefer he cease surrounding himself with folks who are hell-bent on "saving us from ourselves" in the words of one George Ball when the world was young. And if we can't get Gilad out by force of arms as we should have done three years ago it seems to me that he just isn't coming home.
You know, it reminds me of the recent High Court case in which they found against the Income Tax Authority's refusal to grant the cost of care for pre-schoolers as a deductible expense. I would normally be the last to cheer the tax man in his quest to take more of our hard earned cash, but this time they just happen to be right! I looked around and couldn't find any young Mum capable of complying with the requirements to make this claim unless she was filthy rich to start with!!! Better to give the money to the women who didn't have enough money to pay tax. And I am no socialist.
People think that spreading money around without consideration whether it goes in the right direction will solve everything. It won't.
Kind regards P.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Vatican update
Thursday, 30 April 2009
The millionaire and the cabbie
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
Friday, 24 April 2009
Welcome to Pith from Pinhas.
The original Pinhas was a pithy character who didn’t much like what was going on around him, picked up a spear and dealt with it. That earned him a Covenant of Peace, which is a pretty pithy thing to do with a spear. He then went on to live pithily ever after, and there are those who say he’s still with us, some 3300-odd years later, which makes him even older than me. Oh, and he was the only person ever given the surname Cohen (priest in Hebrew) in recognition of services rendered to the Jewish People. In later life (according to some) he changed his name to Elijah, took to prophecy and started flying around in fiery chariots, many years before the Wright brothers. He is said to visit every Jewish family Seder meal at Pesach (Passover) and every Jewish child who can stay up late enough is convinced he slips past big sis when she opens the front door and drinks from the oversized wine cup put out for him.
He also finds time to drop in on every Brit Mila (circumcision) ceremony where boys, usually at eight days old, get their names. And this is where I come in. Screaming and kicking, this Brit got the name Pinhas. So I had to start growing old pithily.
And there is no shortage in this benighted century of the kind of stuff that raised old (well he was actually very young at the time) Pinhas’s hackles, but I don’t know where to get a licence to carry a spear. What I do know is how to operate a qwerty keyboard with two fingers.
So in order to get my own bit of immortality I thought, why not start a blog? Everything is of course relative, and the only data retrieval system yet invented with a shelf life of more than a few years seems to be the old-fashioned book, but who knows? Somebody may even read this stuff.
I don’t mean to keep this to myself, and my mates are welcome to submit brief and pithy articles for publication. I am welcome to accept or reject them. And if you like what you see, you can try your luck at joining my mates too.
See you in cyberspace